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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2012 (25) arrow Survey of cancers morbidity in the Northern and North-Western administrative districts of Moscow in comparison with all-Moscow and all-Russian values
Survey of cancers morbidity in the Northern and North-Western administrative districts of Moscow in comparison with all-Moscow and all-Russian values Print
Monday, 02 July 2012

L.M. Kogoniya
Oncologic dispensary No.2 of Northern Administrative District, Moscow

Summary. Rates of morbidity and mortality from malignant neoplasms is important for determining the scope of population needs for specialized healthcare and also for development of techniques for the prevention of oncology diseases, for staff education, for elaboration of programs of anti-cancer measures, for improving organization of oncology service and so on and so forth.

In 2004, as much as 455,300 new cases of cancer were identified in Russia as a whole, which accounted for 1,245 cases daily. In 2004 cancer incidence was 313.6 per 100,000 population in Russia. Mean age of primary registered cancer patients reached as much as 72 years.

The structure of cancer causes in population of Russia is the following: 22.8% patients were with respiratory cancer, 8.9% with skin cancer, 6.4% with prostate gland cancer, while in female population, 19.4% patients were with breast cancer, 8.0% with gastric cancer, and 6.9% with colon cancer.

Mean age at the onset of the disease differed in males and females: the difference being 7.1 years in oesophageal neoplasm, 3.4 years in gastric neoplasm, 3.1 years in neoplastic trachea and bronchus, and pulmonary neoplasm, 3.8 years in lymphatic and hematopoietic neoplastic tissues, 2.7 years in renal neoplasm, and 2.2 years in dermatologic neoplasm.

Comparison of morbidity for malignant neoplasms between these two administrative districts, on the one hand, and Moscow, on the other, then Russia, on another, proved no significant differences between these three administrative levels of nation-wide problem. Thus, these data from two administrative districts of Moscow were of scientific and practical activities' interest for Moscow as whole and Russia as a whole - at least, as far as policies for primary (non referral) centers for socially conditioned diseases were concerned.

Keywords. Morbidity; malignant neoplasms; data analysis.



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