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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2012 (25) arrow Technique of evaluation and condition of personal potential of pregnant women as consumer resource of perinatal services quality
Technique of evaluation and condition of personal potential of pregnant women as consumer resource of perinatal services quality Print
Monday, 02 July 2012

T.P.Vasileva1, S.A.Linovitskaja1, A.S.Chumakov1, V.V. Sazanov2, I.G.Haletskij3, O.N. Pesikin1, V.M.Kuksenko4
- V.N.Gorodkov Ivanovo scientific research institute of motherhood and the childhood of Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Ivanovo
2 - Solvychegodsk station polyclinic, Arkhangelsk region, Kotlas
3 - Nizhniy Novgorod state medical academy, Nizhni Novgorod
4 - Ivanovo state medical academy, Ivanovo

Summary. In quality improvement perinatal services it is necessary to consider the consumer factor as social component of its resource provision. Its quantitative estimation could be received on the basis of the offered complex technique of evaluation of personal potential of pregnant women. The given technique allows to receive a quantitative integrated estimation of qualitative characteristics of the consumer of medical services, in particular, pregnant women as consumers of perinatal services. Use of seven components (medical and biologic, cultural, self-development, behavioural, psychological, social, informational) and a complex of formulas for getting their quantitative estimation, and also for getting a summary estimation is suggested. The carried out social and hygienic research (756 women) shows, that the estimation of personal potential of pregnant women has the social importance as direct correlation of level of satisfaction of pregnant women with perinatal services and level of their personal potential is revealed, and also there is medical importance as inverse relationship of productivity of perinatal services with level of personal potential of pregnant women is revealed. Decrease of deficiency of perinatal services at the expense of decrease in defects of participation in perinatal prevention during maintenance of pregnant women-consumers of these services with higher level of their personal potential is noted. The study tested the developed method of integral evaluation of adherence of pregnant women to prevention according to four indicators (goal-setting to the success of prevention, constant self-development, self-consistency, constancy of cessation from behavioral risk factors during pregnancy). Evidence of the practical relevance of this indicator could be a significantly smaller number of detected defects in pregnant women participating in prepartum perinatal prevention. The obtained data have proved the theoretical and practical importance of the offered technique of a complex estimation of personal potential of pregnant women as consumers of perinatal services in a scientific substantiation of proposals on improvement of their quality.

Keywords: perinatal services, quality, consumer resource, methodological aspects.



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