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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2012 (25) arrow Territorial differentiation of children health in the Chechen Republic
Territorial differentiation of children health in the Chechen Republic Print
Tuesday, 03 July 2012

L.I. Saidova1, E.V. Zemlyanova2
– Chechen State University, Grozny
2 – Federal Public Health Institute, Moscow

Summary. According to data of the Ministry of Health and Social Policy of the Chechen Republic the article presents analysis of trends, causes and territorial peculiarities of morbidity, disability and mortality in children. Revealed main problems evidence that health care system up to now couldn’t complete its objectives in children’s health care.

The study showed that there is important problem of late diagnostics of pathologies which contributes to development of chronic diseases, disabilities and premature mortality of children. Importance of the problem is corroborated by relative stabilization of morbidity in ages under 15 years and its essential growth in teenagers including causes preventable at current stage of health care development. One more manifest of late diagnostics is age and nosology structure of disability characterized by faster growth of disability levels in children 10-14 years old and teenagers presumably due to preventable causes.

The second essential problem for republican health care is significant territorial variance of state and trends in children health determined by irregularity in displacement of population. This rises a problem of optimal allocation of health care facilities providing availability of health care to children especially in mountainous zone where levels of all health indicators are the worst.

The third important problem is development of accurate registration of population health parameters including in children. Only on such accurate base it is possible to make well-reasoned decisions in the sphere of health care and social policy. Importance of the problem is proved by multiple variance in health indicators in republican districts and absence of well-formed trends of morbidity, disability and mortality showing significant year-to-year fluctuations of indicators. Even more actual problem concerns registration of mortality especially infant mortality which is proved by corrupted structure of number of deaths according to life periods.

Keywords. Number of children population, children morbidity, health care, medical and social problems of children population, children and teenagers.


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