D.A. Kuznetsova1, E.N. Sizova2, O.V. Tulyakova1
1Vyatka State University of Humanities, city of Kirov
2Vyatka Social-Economic Institute, city of Kirov
Summary. It is under unfavorable climate environment
that various changes in functional health readily occur in a human
being, and these changes are most pronounced in puerile and adolescence
population. In particular, the activity of enzymes (superoxide
dismutase) and freeradicals matching activity both become diminished,
while the accumulation of the products of peroxide oxidation of the
lipids and generation of more active isotopes of oxygen become more
prominent. High latitudes prolonged polar night period also changes
ontogenetic development in adolescents bringing about D vitamin
deficiency, as well as diminished levels of other vitamins and
pro-vitamins in their biological tissues: ascorbic acid,
alpha-tocopherol, retinol, carotinoids, and B vitamins.
Scoolchidren of Northern districts of Russia present diminished
albumin:globulin ratio and 5-fold increased serum level of triglycerides
(in comparison to the normal values typical for the middle latitude
regions). Northern adolescence inhabitants also present hematologic
stress-syndrome: reduced counts of leucocytes (segment neutrophils and
lymphocytes, in particular) paralleled by increased counts of monocytes
and stab neutrophils.
Adoloscents of 14 years of age from the city of Kirov (58°36′00″ of north latitude, yearly average temperature of t= +2,2îÑ, n=482) and from the town of Ukhta (63°34′00″ of north latitude; yearly average temperature of t= –1,1îÑ;
n=309) were enrolled for this study. Main values of their physical
ontogenesis were assessed by standard techniques. Hemoglobin
concentrations were assessed by Sali method, erythrocyte sedimentation
rate was estimated through the Panchenkov modified micromethod,
leucocyte counts were accomplished with the use of Goriayev chamber.
Northern latitude adolescence inhabitants (town of Ukhta) being
compared to middle latitude values (city of Kirov) presented the body
weight increased by 4.7 kg in females and by 5.8 kg in males, also
elevated concentrations of hemoglobin and accelerated erythrocyte
sedimentation rate, diminished leucocyte counts, pronounced gender
related differences in concentration of hemoglobin.
Keywords. Adoloscents; high latitudes regions; hemoglobin concentration; erythrocyte sedimentation rate; body weight.
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