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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2012 (25) arrow Structural features and amount of staff resource of the Russian public health
Structural features and amount of staff resource of the Russian public health Print
Tuesday, 03 July 2012

I.M. Son, S.A. Leonov, N.V. Danilova, Yu.A. Mirskov
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Summary. Materials and Methods: Staff content was studied along medical professional groups and non-medical interspersed groups in the existing manpower resource of Russian public health. Overall values of medical resource was derived from the official statistical data for 2010 concerning Russia as a whole, its Federal Districs and Constituent Territories. Ideal number of public health abstract servants on the staff lists, factual number of occupied posts within these lists, and general amount of public servants factually involved in public health  were compared to; a structure of the content of the personnel of main specialties, as well as completed/incompleted staffing of it were derived from these comparisons. Constituent Territories of Russia were ranged along rates of staff deficiency or its abundancy determined through the juxtaposition to generalized all-Russian indications. Chart-map along the points of various variables was constructed to process the values obtained.

Results:  Factual number of medium qualified and lower qualified medical personnel accounted for 39.93% and 21.21% of the total number of personnel on the staff lists, accordingly, qualified physicians for  19.00%, other personnel for 18.65%, servants with non-medical higher education for 0.76%, and qualified phramacists for 0.45%.   A certain variability between Constituent Territories for the ratio of  factually occupied  posts to listed ones was noted in this study. Moreover, the listed number of posts, as well as number of factually occupied posts were not rationally related to the amount of local population. Numbers of factually occupied posts often did not correlate with standardized staff lists. Staffing for individually listed posts was rather low and accounted for mean 67.2%, while factually occupied posts reached 94.3% of the total amount of required posts on the lists. More complete staffing was noted among executive senior staff, among medium qualified staff, among "other personnel". Rather incomplete staffing existed among qualified physicians and also among lower qualified medical personnel. The ratio of  "other personnel" to physicans+nurses accounted for 30.9%, and this ratio was most prominent in  Far Eastern, Siberian, Southern, and Urals' Federal Districts being rather less pronounced in the Central FD.

Conclusions: Staff content (abstract, as well as factual) of medical facilities in the Russian Federation  need to be properly adjusted, as well as funding for it. Correction of unbalanced staffing  in every medical facility should be paralleled by more effective usage of already existing medical infrastructure and by benefitting from creative changes in the inner lay-out of these public  buildings.  Additional funding sources (apart from customary state funding) should be  also identified and mobilized to this end. It would be expedient to introduce a coefficient levelling various  physical conditions and locally peculiar distribution of logistics funds  of medical facilities - for better differentiating and structuring of  the content of staff resource in public health in every locality. This will also make Constituent Territories more readily compared to for medical staff affairs.

Keywords. Staff content; posts of staff lists; occupied posts; public servants with higher education; non-medical higher education; pharmaceutical higher education; other personnel.


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1. 09-07-2012 13:57
 ÷åì ñìûñë ñðàâíåíèÿ àáñîëþòíûõ äàííûõ â òåððèòîðèÿõ ñ ðàçëè÷íûì íàñåëåíèåì? È äîëåé ïåðñîíàëà? Ñòàòèñòè÷åñêè íåãðàìîòíî è öåëü íåïîíÿòíà.
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