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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2012 (26) arrow Sociological researches as healthcare quality indicator in constant preventive surveillance of perinatal pathology
Sociological researches as healthcare quality indicator in constant preventive surveillance of perinatal pathology Print
Monday, 08 October 2012

V. I. Starodubov1 , V. S. Stupak3, O. M. Filkina2, O. A. Senkevich3, E. A. Vorobyova2
1 Federal research institute for public health organization and informatics, Moscow
2 Maternity and childhood research institute of Ivanovo named after V.N. Gorodkov, Ivanovo
3 Perinatal center, Khabarovsk

Summary. In perinatal pathology, just an sociological survey can be a unique tool for the assessment of healthcare satisfaction range in the smallest patients as direct consumers of medical services. Such a survey can readily constitute an important indicator of the grade of healthcare in constant preventive surveillance of perinatal pathology.

Aim: to assess healthcare satisfaction range in perinatal patients by way of an opinion poll of their parents and of involved medical staff.

Materials and Methods: medical sociological survey was performed on the materials of "Perinatal center" in the city of Khabarovsk based on results of completed quiestionnaires of 1997 respondents. The questionnaire included scoring; the scoring results were statistically processed on routine basis.

Results: Survey into the opinions of involved medical employees and corresponding parents really proved to be an important and unique techniques to establish healthcare satisfaction in perinatal preventive surveillance. The completed questionnaires, when processed, revealed a rather low awareness of the parents in legal issues of health protection, misunderstanding of certain notions, such as responsible parental attitude, unskillful contraception habits, evasive position for opportune appointments with centers for birth control in families, and ignorance of limited access of the population to quite a number of measures in perinatal pathology. Revealed factors are considered to be significant for organization of healthcare for parturient women and newborns.

Conclusions: Comparative analysis of opinions of medical employees and the parents demonstrated only but a partial coincidence in many of the questions. In general, a low satisfaction of healthcare in perinatal pathology was established through the opinions of the parents, concerning mainly the quality grade of prevention measures at a given medical facility. Prevention measures could be improved with the elevated skills and morals of medical staff. Persuading the parents as concerns the adequacy of prescriptions and urging them to follow the recommended course are also of importance. Parent’s devotion to solving health problems of the newborns at every stage of the postnatal development is considered to favour the formation of healthcare-wise behaviour of the small patients. This healthcare satisfaction survey is considered in this study as a direct indicator as to the quality grade of delivered medical care. Such a survey can be helpful in the evaluation of the prevention service in perinatal pathology at a regional level as a whole. It also can serve as a guidance as to certain directions of optimization of this service.

Keywords. Healthcare employees; patients' parents; health care quality; satisfaction with medical services; sociological surveys; perinatal pathology; continuous preventive maintenance.


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