Z.A. Zaykova
Department of the Federal service on protection of consumers rights and human wellbeing, Irkutsk oblast, Irkutsk
Summary. The role of social economic factors
grows in importance in the present situation of active reforms
associated with certain crises and collapses, while effects of these
factors on health condition of the population are becoming rather
pronounced. The aim of this study was to evaluate socio-economic factors
and to determine their effects on population health in the Irkutsk
region. The study is based on the data from the socio-hygienic
monitoring conducted by the Irkutsk Department of Federal Service for
Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Irkutsk Division of
Federal State Statistics Service, Federal State Statistics Service for
the years 2001-2011 (about 30 indicators), clustering methods of
comparative and correlation analysis.
Region of Irkutsk dropped in the median range in the Russian
administrative divisions set - along most social economic indicators.
This region was, however, a bit peculiar for wide range of people living
on incomes below subsistence level, high level of unemployment, and
poor housing provision. Comparative analysis for social economic
indicators in 2010 of various municipalities in the region of Irkutsk
showed 2 to 11-fold multiplicity.
The health of the population of the Irkutsk region is currently
estimated as unfavourable due to high mortality and disability levels,
increasing prevalence and incidence of diseases, low life expectancy.
Inter-municipalities discrepancy in life expectancy reached 11 years
being indicative of acute social unequality as concerns health
Pearson correlation coefficients’ values derived in our analysis
evidenced close relationship between health condition of the population
and social economic factors, especially macroeconomic ones. Evaluation
of these social economic factors and determining of their effects on
health condition of the population were indispensable for elaborating
measures for quality of life improvements of the population through
certain management decisions of the regional authorities.
Keyword.: Socio-economic indicators; population health; socio-hygienic monitoring; rating.
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