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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2012 (26) arrow Medico-sociological estimate of the lifestyle and some factors of oncological help to the population of the Amur region
Medico-sociological estimate of the lifestyle and some factors of oncological help to the population of the Amur region Print
Monday, 08 October 2012

V.P. Gordienko, A.A. Vakhnenko
Amur State Medical Academy, Blagoveschensk

Summary. The aim of this work was to research possible factors of social risk of oncologic pathology and risk groups of patients in the development of malignant tumors, to establish the goal-oriented prophylactic programs and to organize dispensary observation directed to the perfection of the diagnostics at early stages of the disease on the territory of separately-taken district of the Amur region. The objects of the research were some indices of the life quality and data of oncologic patients living in the definite natural territorial province and their attitude to their own health. At that there were used the following methods: statistic, sociological and current observation.

In the result of medico-sociological research the number of components of the life quality in patients more often concomitant to the course of malignant tumors was selected. This allowed to suppose their role in the occurrence of these diseases and to estimate them as possible oncologic risk factors. There were selected categories of the population more subjected to the malignant tumors and therefore they are in need of the primary detailed and current examination and of the dynamic control at the medical establishment. The reasons of low medical activity of the population and factors explaining insufficient efficiency of dispensary system were marked. Medico-sociological questioning revealed the low level of medical activity of the population, the absence of the sufficient motivation to the correct way of life, to the strengthening of the health and to the prophylaxis of the diseases. The obtained data confirmed the necessity of the active work with risk groups of patients with malignant tumors that undoubtedly will allow to improve the revealing of the oncologic pathology at the early stages and therefore to increase the effect of treatment and patient’s life quality.

Results of research were recommended by authors to use them in the practice of the oncologic service of the Amur region, to elaborate prior directions of goal-oriented medico-social and economic programs.

Keywords. Malignant neoplasms; medico-sociological research; risk factors; preventive medical examination; natural territorial province.



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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 09 October 2012 )
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