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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2012 (26) arrow Constituents of healthy lifestyles of the youth population
Constituents of healthy lifestyles of the youth population Print
Monday, 08 October 2012

V.D. Panachev
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm

Summary. The constituents of healthy lifestyles of the youth and their understanding by the youth were to be established in this sociological survey.

The answers for the inclusion in this study showed that the state of health of the enrolled responders was rather poor. Interestingly enough, 74% of the enrolled responders had the background of belonging to intellectual strata usually beginning from their family affiliation. Intellectuals in Russia always used to influence the social habits and inclinations pertaining to health of the population, thus shaping the mass physical culture and healthy lifestyles. Nowadays, this situation changed. First, the social media is not so sensitive for the maintenance of traditions of physical training at family level, and does not render active support to the social institution of physical education at pre-school and school stages. It is due to such attitudes that, in particular, the naturally emerging interest, knowledge, conviction, and quest for self-sustained independent physical exercises are supposed improper in younger generation of modern age. Other main constituents of the healthy lifestyles were also referred to the notions of the responders to specially designed questionnaire. Main task was to derive the true level of knowledge of the youth for healthy lifestyles. 2686 schoolchildren, lyceum students, and students of higher education (not to mention their teachers and parents eventually also involved) were enrolled in this study.

Only 4% of male and 5% of female responding youngsters fully answered the item on their general notion of healthy lifestyles. Answers of 40% of male and 57% of female youngsters on the item on constituents of healthy lifestyles were graded by independent observers as being far from exhaustive. 28% of male and 23% of female responding youngsters adhered to tobacco-smoking habits; 14% of male and 19% of female youngsters suffered from feeding abuse, usually occurring at national/family feasts; 17% of male and 8% of female youngsters were considered - from their answers - as undernourished; alcohol consumption on a regular basis was revealed in 11% of the male youngsters (5% in females) with 38% of the male youngsters occasionally drinking liquor at feasts (7% in females); while 51% of male and 24% of female youngsters claimed to be convinced abstainers. 10% of male and 2% of female youngsters occasionally used narcotics, while 87% not only never used narcotics, but also produced no intention to ever use them (the motivation, when specified, was awareness of destructive consequences of drug addiction); 5 former drug addicts had discontinued this noxious habit. The study task force was of the opinion that sincerity of answers to the item of drug consumption was to be verified in a prospective manner.

The general impression was, however, that factually all the responders at least were fully understanding the importance of sticking to healthy lifestyles.

Discussion: A social monitoring for the proper manifestation of main constituents of healthy lifestyles should be activated being aimed at discontinuation of injurious habits, at regular physical exercises, at bringing incentives for youngsters to be fond of sports, at developing students' organized activities, at healthy nourishing habits adjusted for constant behaviour, at active motion styles, and - the last but not the least - at sharing cheering moods and gentle humor in the students' environment.

Keywords. healthy lifestyles; youth population; sociological survey.


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Last Updated ( Monday, 08 October 2012 )
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