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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2012 (26) arrow Psychiatric and behavioural disturbances associated with consumption of psychoactive substances: epidemiologic situation in the Russian Federation
Psychiatric and behavioural disturbances associated with consumption of psychoactive substances: epidemiologic situation in the Russian Federation Print
Monday, 08 October 2012

Yu.V. Mikhailova1, O.B. Nechayeva1, A.Yu. Abramov2
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Department of public health of the city of Moscow, Moscow

Summary. To study current incidence and prevalence of narcologic diseases in Russia. Data from Forms No.11 and No.37 of the National Statistical Supervision Board for the years 2005-2011 were enrolled in this survey. The authors were aware that the Departmental Statistics on the point was far from being accurate or exhaustive. However, main changes and tendencies in this epidemiologic situation were well grasped by it.

In 2005-2011, the prevalence of psychiatric and behavioural disturbances associated with consumption of narcotics increased by 6.4% in adult males (from 648.5 to 690 cases upon 100.000 of male population) and by 10.6% in adult females (from 91.3 to 101.0 cases upon 1000. of female population), while there was a 2.4-fold decrease in children and adolescents aged 0-14 years (from 5.9 to 2.1 cases upon 100.000 of children population) and also a decrease by 20.3% in youngsters aged 15-17 years (from 185.3 to 147.6 cases upon 100000 of youngsters population).

There were HIV-infected subjects, virtually, in all categories of narcologic patients: patients with introduction by way of injection were HIV-infected in 15.1 % of cases, while in other ways of introduction it was 3.4%.

In 2005-2007, primary registered incidence of psychiatric and behavioural disturbances associated with consumption of surface active substances of narcotic nature increased from 42.1 to 54.7 cases upon 100.000 of population, while in 2008-2011 it was decreasing annualy to get down to 46.9 cases. Proportion of injection-type introduction was stable being 55.2% in 2009 and 54.8% in 2011. Proportion of heroin injection decreased there from 64.4% in 2009 to 53.4% in 2011.

Registered incidence of narcomania increased in 2005-2007 from 17.0 to 20.8 cases upon 100.000 of population, while in 2008-2011 it was decreasing annually to get down to minimal value of 15.3 cases in 2011: in males the figures were 30.2 (2005), 35.8 (2007), 26.5 (2001) accordingly; in females - 7.9 (2007) - it was the maximum, and 5.8 (2011).

In the structure of fatality in narcomania, proportion of acute intoxication due to overdose tended to decline from 20.3% in 2005 to 12.4% in 2011, proportion of suicides and casualties followed the same tendency, declining by 2011 to 8.4% and 9.6% accordingly, while proportion of fatality from somatic diseases rose from 30.3% in 2005 to 48.6% in 2011.

Registered prevalence of psychiatric and behavioural disturbances associated with consumption of alcohol and surface active substances of non-narcotic nature decreased in Russia in this period.

Keywords. Narcomania, toxicomania, alcoholism, alcoholic psychoses, narcotics, HIV-infection.


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