M.A. Ivanova1, O.V. Porshina2, L.G. Voronina2
1 Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and
Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian
Federation, Moscow
2 Orenburg Medical Academy, Orenburg
Summary. It is situation with syphilis morbidity that
is among most topical themes as concerns sexually transmitted
infections. It is still in the focus of professional attention of
medical experts.
Just as in the whole of Russia, region of Orenburg presented with
trichomoniasis and chlamydial infections as leading diseases among
sexually transmitted infections, while incidental cases of syphilis and
gonococcal infection accounted in Russia as a whole for 14.0% and 12.6%
(2009), 12.5% and 12.7% (2011) of the total sexually transmitted
infections pool, accordingly, and in this region - for 11.4% and 15.3%
(2009), 8.3% and 13.3% (2011), accordingly. Both in Russia as a whole,
and in this region most sexually transmitted infections were declining
bringing about a diminishment in total sexually transmitted infections
incidence from 53.3 to 37.6 cases upon 100,000 people of population in
Russia during 2009-2011; from 61.7 to 39.1 cases (2009-2011) in the
region of Orenburg. Nevertheless, the latent/retarded patterns of some
sexually transmitted infections presented sustained growth in numbers -
both in Russia as a whole, and also in this region, e.g. latent/retarded
syphilis incidence increased in these three years by 19.8% in Russia as
a whole, and by 28.2% in this particular region. Puerile incidence of
syphilis follows the All-Russian steady trend for its diminishment:
syphilis incidence in the population of Russia aged 0-14 years
diminished by 29.1% (58.3% in this region) during 2009-2011;
population-based incidence diminished from 3.0 to 2.1 cases (3.6 to 1.5
in this region) upon 100,000 people during 2009-2011. Congenital
syphilis incidence in Russia as a whole diminished in 2009-2011 by 32.6%
(40% in this region): population-based incidence diminished from 0.9 to
0.6 cases in 2009-2011.
Conclusions: All sexually transmitted infections ' morbidity was 1.6
higher in the region of Orenburg compared to all-Russian values.
Continuing diminishment of incidence of certain sexually transmitted
infections in this region was accompanied with steady growth of another
sexually transmitted infections, making local epidemiologic situation
with sexually transmitted infections morbidity rather equivocal.
Keywords. Morbidity indicators; sexually transmitted
infections; epidemiologic situation; syphilis; epidemiologic trends in
Orenburg region.
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