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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2012 (27) arrow Specific features of breast cancer female morbidity: social and hygienic aspects
Specific features of breast cancer female morbidity: social and hygienic aspects Print
Tuesday, 11 December 2012

N.Yu.Trifonova¹, N.S.Prizova²
¹I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
²People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

Summary. Breast cancer is generally considered as a medical and social hygienic problem of topic importance in the structure of modern medical sciences, say, oncology, as well as public health science in general, because of its wide-spread dimensions, and sophisticated psychological difficulties arising with its set-up, involving social adaptation and like. 1.3 million incident cases are registered worldwide annually. This is a particular tumor pertaining epidemiologically to those cancers that maintain growing tendencies both in the developed (1.0-2.0% annually), as well as in the developing world. By 2015 the incidence is forecast as 1.8 million new cases. Unfortunately, Russia is no exclusion to these tendencies.

Besides the „pure“ medical problem of treating patients with this disease, there arise also social and economic aspects of this issue which are nonetheless important.

Mammary gland cancer is the main localization of malignancies in the female population of the Moscow region. Weighed morbidity in Moscow region is 20.07 registered cases of breast cancer upon 100.000 people of the population, while in Russia as a whole it is 10.7 upon 100.000. Moreover, this indicator still steadily tends to grow in Moscow region.

Mammary gland malignancies represent a very importantant factor in determination of the epidemiologic indicator of temporary and permanent disablement. These malignancies tend to reduce lifespan in the female population. They also cause irreplaceable economic damage to the society. Inopportune diagnosis of mammary gland cancer being not rare, large proportion (40.7%) of advanced cancer with metastases at primary diagnosis, high rates (12%) of one-year-after-diagnosis mortality, - all these fastors predetermine great role for prevention and early diagnosis of this disease, which implies identification of pre-tumor and tumor pathology in the mammary gland at the early stages of the on-set of the disease – with the purpose of opportune management of it.

Just for these reasons, the present medical social study of topical importance for identification of risk factors influencing the spread of mammary gland cancer in Moscow region was performed with the purpose of substantiation of measures for early diagnosis and prevention of this disease. This complex social hygienic survey of epidemiology aspects (existing in Moscow region) of mammary gland neoplasm/malignancies was to outline peculiar features of female morbidity of this disease and to identify most significant factors of its spread and development.

Keywords. Mammary gland cancer; morbidity; risk factors.


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