S.A. Suldin, N.P. Protasova
Public health department in Krasnoyarsk city administration, Krasnoyarsk
Summary. The aim of the study is to distribute patients
with circulatory system diseases (or other chronic diseases) and
healthy ones (naïve to diagnosed chronic diseases) according to body
weight index and nutrition habits. 850 subjects attending municipal
outpatient clinic/local health center were interviewed in the city of
Krasnoyarsk in 2011.
Elevated body weight index was more frequently found in subjects with
chronic diseases, first of all, with cardiovascular ones, when compared
to healthy subjects.
In chronic patients, the problem of weight abuse arose since “green
years”, while for general population it is at the stage nearing old-age
retirement that elevated body weight index became a matter of unrest.
Established diagnosis of a cardiovascular disease did not bring about
any important favorable changes as far as more normal body weight was
concerned. Interestingly enough, the worse was the situation with body
weight index at the moment of diagnosis of a chronic disease, the less
effective was the post-diagnosis control of this risk factor. This
nuisance was most evident in women with circulatory system diseases.
Weight abuse is usually related to deviated nutrition habits. The
respondents were interviewed for the priorities in forming the diet, and
well-known recommendations for healthy feeding ranged only third in
their responses, while pleasure was the first priority, and incomes affordable foods were to follow in this priority range.
Established diagnosis of a chronic circulatory system disease did not
bring any important change of nutrition habits. Only from one forth to
one third of the respondents tried to ameliorate their diet by enhancing
the amount of recommended foods and by reducing salt consumption.
Keywords. Risk factors in circulatory system diseases; body weight index; nutrition habits.
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