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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2012 (27) arrow Efficiency of medical staff training on non-tobacco-smoking policy in hospital setting in Krasnoyarsk territory
Efficiency of medical staff training on non-tobacco-smoking policy in hospital setting in Krasnoyarsk territory Print
Tuesday, 11 December 2012

I.I. Hamnagadayev1, O.Yu.Kutumova2, L.Yi. Kononova2, M.M. Petrova3, Yu.A. Dykhno3, Yi.V. Demko3, A.Yi. Aristov3
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences’ Institute of Medical Problems in the North Area of Russia, Krasnoyarsk
2Krasnoyarsk Territory Medical Prevention Center, Krasnoyarsk
3V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Memorial Krasnoyarsk Medical University, Krasnoyarsk

Summary. A pilot study on efficiency of medical facilities’ medical staff training of Krasnoyarsk Territory for the maintenance of non-(tobacco)-smoking policy in a hospital setting was performed in Krasnoyarsk Territory by certain medical research establishments with the purpose of monitoring this educational process.

Methods and Data. The emphasis in evaluation of efficiency of this educational measures was put on the item of general awareness of the risks of passive tobacco-smoking in medical facilities. A questionnaire was implemented for medical sociological survey on the theme. This questionnaire had been elaborated by International Union for struggling against tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases. It was used in 7 advanced-scale medical facilities of the Territory. 820 medical workers of medical facilities of Krasnoyarsk Territory that had been certified (fourth quarter of 2011 and 2012) for maintenance of non-(tobacco)-smoking policy in hospital setting were enrolled in this study. A comparative analysis (graduates of the fourth quarter of 2011 to previous graduates of the fourth quarter of 2010) of the answers to the approved questionnaire was performed.

Results: The effectiveness of training course conducted in the fourth quarter of the years 2011 and 2010 was being confirmed as concerns three issues: awareness of medical staff on detrimental consequences of passive tobacco-smoking; definite support for prohibition of tobacco-smoking in a medical facility; justification of prescribed treatment to tobacco addicts.

Graduates of the fourth quarter of 2011 in comparison to graduates of the fourth quarter of 2010 produced a significantly larger share of people (90.7% from previous 68.9%) with awareness of the detrimental role of tobacco-smoking in hospital setting. Specifically, growing awareness of smoking related stroke (93.2% from previous 77.4%) and of smoking related development of impotence (91.0% from previous 72.2%) was identified. A growing awareness of certified staff was also identified as concerns real prevalence of tobacco-smoking in medical staff being not less than in general population (awareness was 88.9 % in 2011 and 72.2% in 2010). The key issue of the definite notion that passive tobacco-smoking was nearly just as detrimental to health as active smoking also gained impetus with the year-to-year advancement in this course training efficiency (96.4% in 2011 to 89.6% in 2010).

Awareness on the components of tobacco smoke responsible for causing dangerous diseases also significantly increased: on nicotine the shift was to 90.2% from previous year 72.4%, on carbon oxide - 97.1% from 60.8%, on benzopyrene – 95.8% from 67.6%, polonium – 96.1% from 57.8%.

This comparative analysis of the notions prevailing in successive sets of graduates reflected definite advancement of the quality of this training course. On the motive of this analysis, overall efforts to develop prevention measures with the help of non-tobacco-smoking hospital setting could be evaluated as a successful and promising direction.

Keywords. tobacco-smoking; medical staff; staff training course.


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