V.M. Levanov
Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod
Summary. The development of regional telemedicine systems is a defining condition for large scale e-health adoption.
In recent years, such systems are formed in several regions of
Russia, but their development requires a complex regulatory environment,
economic, technological, organizational, human nature and a phased
implementation. The article discusses the main tendencies of development
of regional systems by studying the experience of telemedicine centers
of the Volga Federal District and other regions of Russia. The basic
stages of formation of regional systems are the following: from regional
telemedicine centers, pilot projects, implementation of telemedicine
technologies in the most remote areas, to creation of telemedicine
offices on the basis of specialized centers and the subsequent
inter-building network. The main legal forms and types of telemedicine
centers and offices, including focus groups, matrix structure,
functional departments of medical institutions and universities are
At present, significantly expanded range of electronic services that
include not only clinical but also the educational, administrative
direction, organization of medical care in its various stages, that is
the general term "e-health." This is due, above all, to the progress in
the development of information and telecommunication technologies. The
example of the Nizhny Novgorod regional telemedicine center shows the
main types of electronic services. At the same time in the development
of e-health services, there are problems associated with lack of
complete regulatory framework, sustainable financing mechanisms, and
system of medical personnel training. These problems can be overcome by
using the experience of telemedicine and eHealth available in the
Keywords. Telemedicine, telemedicine center, e-health,
e-health services, regional telemedicine system, telemedicine
consultation, videoconferencing, Internet medicine.
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