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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2012 (27) arrow Automated control systems: the branch register of people with occupational disorders
Automated control systems: the branch register of people with occupational disorders Print
Tuesday, 11 December 2012

À. Yu. Bushmanov, A.R.Tukov, D.S.Noskov
Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Centre, Moscow

Summary. The subject of the study includes persons with occupational disorders as well as development of information technologies. The aim of the study is improvement of system of registration of persons with occupational disorders by means of development of a Branch register of persons with occupational disorders and further monitoring of their health status. The aim of this study was to highlight the tasks the solution of which can promote these developments.

The rationales of automated control for registration of persons with occupational disorders were conceptualized in this study, and the factual experience in developing Branch register of persons with occupational disorders also was studied into. Review and analysis of literature on existing domestic and foreign registers on persons with occupational diseases showed certain deficiencies in operation of such systems, the main drawback being the incapability of existing registers of this kind to provide monitoring of health status of persons with occupational diseases. That makes our study quite topical.

The study of record-keeping regular papers on persons with occupational disorders in our country showed certain insufficiency of indicators for the effective monitoring of their health status. This consideration served as a reason for developing a set of record-keeping papers of updated design: Registration Card and Coding Ticket. Typical misrepresentations in completed record-keeping standard papers resulting in deviations in subsequent data processing were identified in this study. This study presented a novel properly formalized record-keeping paper for the registration of any person with occupational disorders, which paper was supplemented by enclosed guidelines for completion. The requirements of scientific regulation for the development and implementation of such automated control system at medical facility level were also elaborated in this study.

The principles for the construction of a register on subjects with occupational disorders were studied here along the following directions: organizational, as well as informational requirements, software and technical support.

The 1st version of Branch register of persons with occupational disorders was developed. It is supporting more effective and systemic approach of industrial physicians enabling them to obtain an access to accurate and verified data on the persons with occupational disorders. This tool provides public health managers with a technique for statistical processing and control of medical prevention service for occupational disorders.

Thus constructed Register was implemented by Federal Biomedical Agency at its interregional and regional divisions.

Keywords. Occupational disorders; branch register; the principles of the register construction.



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