V.B. Alekseev1, N.A. Lebedeva-Nesevrya1, A.O. Barg1, O.Y. Dugina1, V.K. Gasnikov2
1- Federal Scientific Centre for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies, Perm
2- Izhevsk state medical academy, Izhevsk
Summary. Perception by the population of Russia in
certain regions as concerns the impact upon health of the situation with
the discrepancy of hour pointing between decreed and solar timing was
analyzed in this study. This discrepancy in Russia has arisen with the
process of reduction of time zones and decreed retention of “summer
time” for the “winter period”. The population of every of the existing 9
time zones was poll-screened, it was done, first of all, in regions
already transferred to one or another new time zone, as well as in those
considering this possibility.
The results of this poll-screening showed mostly negative attitudes
towards this reduction of time zones paralleled by approximation to
Moscow time pointing. The respondents pointed out two main drawbacks of
this time zones innovative project, namely: the relative diminishment of
light day in the contents of daily activity, and subsequent
deterioration of the population health status. Interestingly enough,
those regions with transition to new time zoning not yet introduced
showed the most negative evaluation of impact of this transition on
people’s health.
Analysis of the poll responses revealed that the majority of the
population of Russia has been facing deterioration of health as the
effect of regular transition from “winter” to “summer” time and vice
versa. In this respect, the respondents pointed out sleeping
disturbances, irritable condition, state of fatigue, and lack of
industry with dubious labour capacity.
This study revealed very weak constructive impulse in the opinions of
the population as to the practical ways of attenuating the negative
effect of resynchronization on health status.
This study recommends introduction in social life of active informing
measures to spell out to the population potential negative impacts of
these time discrepancies upon their health, as well as the practical
ways of its self-compensating.
Keywords. Time zones, discrepancy between decreed and solar time, perception by population of health risks.
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