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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2012 (28) arrow The effectiveness of prophylaxis system of perinatal pathology indicators of parents satisfaction by quality and volume of spent actions.
The effectiveness of prophylaxis system of perinatal pathology indicators of parents satisfaction by quality and volume of spent actions. Print
Wednesday, 09 January 2013

V.I. Starodubov¹, V.S. Stupak³, I.M. Son,¹ O.M. Filkina², E.A. Vorobieva²
1FGBU “TSNIIOIZ” Ministry of Public Health RF, Moscow
2FGBU “The Ivanovo research institute of motherhood and the childhood of V. N. Gorodkov”, Ivanovo city
3KGBUZ “Perinatal center”, Khabarovsk city

Summary. The satisfaction of patient with the quality and quantity of medical care is one of the important indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions for the prevention of perinatal pathology.

Objective: The assessment of efficiency of the prevention of perinatal pathology, analysis of satisfaction of parents of patients (children) the quality and quantity of medical care based on the results of a sociological survey.
Methods: The study of medical case was based KGBUZ "Perinatal Center" (Khabarovsk) 1496 questioning the parents.

Results. The study confirmed the importance of the study of satisfaction with the quality and amount of parental care and proven effectiveness of the continuous prevention of perinatal disease by improving public awareness, improve the professional quality of the medical staff, optimization of facilities, of the doctor-patient relationship based on knowledge and trust. The most marked improvement noted during postpartum recovery and follow-up of children with perinatal pathology to 3 years.

Range of applications. Organization of medical care for women and children.

Conclusions. During the period from 2007 to 2012 was an increase in satisfaction with the quality and amount of parental care at all stages: pre-natal and post-natal training and follow-up of children under 3 years. The awareness was raised of parents on healthy lifestyle, risk factors of health problems, legal issues, parental satisfaction qualified medical personnel, equipment and furnishing medical offices, access to care, the moral and ethical qualities of medical staff, the solution of specific problems of the patient at the site, which indicates to increase the effectiveness of the prevention of perinatal pathology and leads to the conclusion about the effectiveness of interventions for the prevention of perinatal pathology, to a greater extent - during postpartum recovery and follow-up of children with perinatal pathology at the first three years of life.

Keywords. Parents of patients; sociological poll; satisfaction; prevention; quality of medical care; perinatal pathology.



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