A.B. Sinelnikov
Moscow State Lomonosov University
Summary. The goal of this article is a study of
influence of marital status and presence or absence of children in
households of Russian respondents to theirs self-evaluations of own
health and also to difficulties in daily life due to health. The article
is based on statistical and sociological analysis of data of third
(2006), fourth (2008) and fifth (2010) rounds of ESS -
European Social Survey. Russian Federation was one of
countries-participants of ESS. Total number of Russian participants of
ESS is 7544.
Respondents’ answers to questions of ESS questionnaire about
difficulties in daily life due to health and also their subjective
self-valuation of own health were used as indicators of their health.
Data were analyzed separately for men and women of the same age groups:
1) below 30 years; 2) 30-44 years; 3) 45-59 years; 4) 60 years and more.
Respondents were divided to four group by their family and demographic status:
1) Living together in one household with spouses (or civil partners) and children. (Children may be any age, including adults);
2) Living with spouses (or civil partners) but without children;
3) Living without spouses (or civil partners) but with children;
4) Living both without spouses (or civil partners) and without children.
Results of analysis: there are not dependencies between health of men
until 30 years old and for women until 45 years old and their family
and demographic status (presence (or absence) of spouses (or civil
partners) and children in households). For men at age more than 30 and
for women at age more than 45 years old presence of spouse (or civil
partner) has more important positive influence on health than presence
of children.
The worse variant for the health of men more than 30 years old and of
women more than 45 years old is a single life without spouse (or civil
partner) and children.
Keywords. Difficulties in daily life due to
health; self-valuation of own health; family; spouse (civil partner);
children living at home.
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