V.Yi. Lisitsin, P.Yu. Fedchenko
Novgorod State University, Novgorod
Summary. The aim of the study
is to analyze medical demographic indicators of Novgorod Region and to
evaluate its changes occurred in 1991-2011 (using the concept of
sustainable development)
Demographic situation and its trends in Novgorod Region in the period
studied here were inferior to those of other regions of the North
Western Federal District and of the Russian Federation as a whole.
Population size decreased by 123.300 persons or by 16.4%. The most
important factor of this reduction was migration outflow beyond the
region, mostly taking up the working age groups. Measures adopted for
instigating immigration proved to be insufficient as immigration size
was not enough even to compensate for natural loss of the population. A
significant unbalance between male and female population sizes persists
especially in older ages. Ageing coefficient was 15.3%, while the level
of 11% was generally named as utmost permissible one being the
internationally established endpoint in evaluation of demographic
sustainability. Coefficient of overall demographic burden was 664
persons per 1000 persons of the working population, including elderly
burden 416 per 1000 of working population.
The continuous trends of fertility increase, declining mortality,
growing life expectancy were noted favorable changes. Total fertility
rate reached 1.45 in 2011 (from 1.12 in 2000), nevertheless, it was
still 1.5-fold below the established minimal value of 2.15-2.17 accepted
as a critical level for population replacement. Mortality was
continuously decreasing in recent years amounting to 18.4‰ in 2011,
noteworthy, in 1996 it was no less - amounting to 18.2‰, while in 1991
it was only 14.6‰, i.e. 1.3 times lower than in 2011. Presented
significant gender differences manifested themselves in crude mortality –
in general population, as well as in the working population. Being the
main indicator of human potential life expectancy at birth in the region
occupied just 89-th rank among the regions of the Russian Federation.
In 2009 it was 64.5 years being 12.2 less than the critically
permissible value adopted internationally, amounting to 76.7 years.
Depopulation coefficients during the period were fluctuating above the
critical value of 1.0 that clearly indicated the phenomenon of intensive
depopulation, i.e. life extinction, set in the Novgorod region.
Nowadays it has been the demographic situation that obviously restrain the social economic development of the region.
Keywords. Demographic
situation; fertility; death rate; life expectancy at birth; main
mortality causes; fertility and mortality dynamics.
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