V. Yumaguzin1, M.Vinnik2
1State Academical University of Humanitarian Sciences, Moscow
2Higher School of Economics - National Research University, Moscow
Summary. One of the main reasons of the low life
expectancy in Russia, compared with developed countries, is a high
mortality rate from external causes. The aim of this work is an
assessment of the contribution of mortality from external causes and its
various types in the change of the life expectancy in Russia by sex and
age. The analysis is carried out by using the decomposition method
proposed by Å.Ì. Andreev.
During the 1990-2010 external causes of death, along with diseases of
the circulatory system, had the greatest contribution on the change of
life expectancy. There are accidental poisoning by alcohol and assaults
among leading external causes, which defined the dynamics of the life
expectancy of both sexes during this time. There are intentional
self-harm on 3rd place in male and transport accidents in female population.
It should be noted that, by the end of 2010, there was not a significant
contribution of the external causes class of death in the increase of
life expectancy - violent mortality, reducing the years of life
expectancy in some periods, had restored them, but no more, in others.
This suggests that in Russia there was the same high traumatic death
rate in 2010 as in 1990. That means that in the almost twenty years
mortality rate from external causes had not decreased. On the contrary,
at the beginning of 1990s there was so significant increase in mortality
from events of undetermined intent that compared to 1990 its negative
contribution to the reduction in life expectancy is preserved in 2010.
In other words, the death rate from this cause remains higher than in
the beginning of the study period.
Given that the external causes of death play a significant role in the
life expectancy indicator, the socio-demographic policy aimed at
reduction of mortality from these causes would significantly reduce the
backlog of Russian life expectancy from similar indicators of developed
Having data on the contribution of causes of death to changes in life
expectancy by sex and age, it is easier to specify priorities of the
state policy.
Key words. Demography; mortality; external causes of
death; external-cause mortality; life expectancy; accidental poisoning
by alcohol; assaults; intentional self-harm; transport accidents;
socio-demographic policy.
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