Dimitriev D.A., Karpenko Y.D., Dimitriev A.D.
Chuvash State Pedagogical University n.a. I.Y. Yakovlev (Cheboksary)
Annotation: Peculiarities of the body functional state in students in
relation to the body mass index (BMI) were researched using
electrocardiographic analysis of heart rate variability (HRV). A
qualitative evaluation of BMI showed that the majority of the students
(82.26%) had normal BMI scores, while 11.29% had lower and 6.4% had
higher BMI scores.
The analysis of HRV indicators on the basis of the nonparametric
Kruskal-Wallace criterion revealed statistically significant differences
only in heart rate levels (HR) and the length of the RR- interval (M)
between groups formed on the evaluation of HRV. Concurrently there is an
unreliable trend towards the increase in HF as the BMI falls.
In the waiting period before exams a number of HRV indicators (HR, M,
TF, VLF, LF, pLF, pHF) manifested a significant dependence on the BMI
level. The discovered dependence of HRV indicators on BMI during exams
confirms the fact that BMI to a considerable degree determines the state
of cardioregulatory mechanisms under emotional stress.
Key words: students, body mass index, exam stress, heart rate variability.
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