E.V. Dubrovina
Medical Information and Analytical Center, city of Kirov
Summary. Aim of the study: to study changes in
staff resources charged with collection, processing and analysis of
medical statistical information in medical facilities to establish
possibility of improvement of statistical service in public health.
Methods and Materials. Main chore in this job was attributed in
this study to medical staff with secondary education only, with strong
implication that prevailing data files on public health activity and
state of health of the population were generated at secondary
educational level. Official regulations concerning normal requirements
to the level and profile of education of a medical statistician, grade
of special statistical knowledge, specific skills required in this job
were reviewed in this study. A list of their job functions and staff
rolls and quotas for enumerated positions of medical statisticians were
also studied into.
Results. This analysis of regulations so far obtainable showed
that in the recent four decades no significant changes in staff rolls
and quotas had ever occurred, though the scope and nature of job of
medical statisticians in medical facilities had changed drastically.
Wide range of cases of largely magnified volume of medical information
to be collected, processed, and presented was adduced in this study.
These processes were paralleled by increment of the roll of accountant
reports to be presented, with multiplied rate of their submitting.
Discussion. The importance of statistical service as concerns
management of medical establishments and units, as well this Ministry on
the whole, was discussed in this study. A crucial role for statistical
service for providing information on the state of health of the
population to be used in research trials of wide scientific range was
outlined in this study. Special skills required for implementation of
the International Statistical Classification for conditions and problems
pertaining to human health were emphasized in this study as
indispensable for adequate account of morbidity and mortality. Nuisances
arising with too frequent alterations in the forms of the reports to be
submitted, as well as with too short an intervals for elaborating
accounting reports, were also discussed in this study. The latter
nuisance was interpreted as abusing factor for elaborating reliable and
verified information.
Conclusion. Improvements in staff provision for medical statistical service of are strongly needed, and they are quite feasible.
Keywords. Medical statistics; statistical information from
a medical facility; accounts and reportof a medical facility; medical
statistician; medical staff; staff rolls; Kirov region.
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