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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2013 (29) arrow Evaluation of selected performance indicators of medical institutions in 2010
Evaluation of selected performance indicators of medical institutions in 2010 Print
Tuesday, 19 March 2013

V.I. Starodubov1, I.M. Son1, S.A. Leonov1, S.A. Sterlikov1, A.V. Gazheva1, G.A. Shebaev2
1 Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Ministry of Health of Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

Summary. The article presents results of the following evaluations: ratio between doctors and nurses; share of children of the first and second therapeutic groups; volumes of ineffective expenditures due to excessive number of hospital beds; volumes of ineffective expenditures due to low bed occupancy rates; and volumes of ineffective expenditures due to high hospitalization. The document also provides an integrated assessment of hospitals’ performance including average length of hospital stay, annual bed occupancy and hospitalization rates; deficits in territorial programs of state guarantees; innovation of health systems with regard to proportion of public (municipal) health care facilities mainly on single-channel funding, new sectoral result-oriented remuneration system and use of medical and economic standards; share of health care buildings that are either in despair or require repair.

The integrated index is calculated based on ratio between doctors and nurses; primary incidence of Tuberculosis; average length of disability; number of beds per 10 000 population; average bed occupancy rate (in days); hospitalization rates per 100 population; average length of hospital stay; share of public (municipal) facilities mainly on single-channel funding; share of facilities using the new sectoral result-oriented remuneration system; share of facilities using medical and economic standards; share of condemned buildings; share of buildings that require refurbishment; share of buildings that require major repair.

The method is based on the procedure for performance evaluation of executive government bodies of the regions of the Russian Federation. Original methods and quartile analysis of indicator distribution were used to calculate integrated index of hospitals’ performance, innovation of health care systems and total integrated performance index of regional health care facilities of the Russian Federation.

Keywords. Ratio between doctors and nurses; share of children of the first and second therapeutic groups; bed/population ratio; volumes of ineffective inpatient care expenditures; innovation of health systems; deficits of regional programs of state guarantees.



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