A.Yu. Unizhaeva1, S.A. Martynchik2
1City Clinical Hospital #36, Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow
2 Research Institute of Public Health and Health Management, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
Summary. The document defines principles of surgical
management of patients with deep thermal burns and factors affecting
effectiveness of the hospital budget expenses. Program activities to
optimize budget expenses per completed case of inpatient care for deep
thermal injuries have been identified according to the literature
available: active surgical tactics, modern methods of transplantation of
cultured skin cells and their equivalents, rational use of expensive
drugs and antibiotics. The paper demonstrates that the goal-directed
program planning in combustiological facilities requires an economic
feasibility analysis of budgeting technologies and programs. The
document also reviews cost-effective ways to fund programs of high-tech
care delivery through improved methods of cost standardization using
enlarged units of care, grouping patients according to clinical criteria
and cost criteria, establishing differential rates to achieve new
goals: predictability, cost-saving incentives, and efficient resource
management. The document illustrates that the system of program
budgeting in Combustiology implemented by most European countries though
the method of diagnosis-related groups serves a tool to plan global
budget with a focus on performance of hospitals and transition from
retrospective reimbursement to a proactive one. The document
demonstrates that the main phase of implementation of the goal-directed
program budgeting in Russian specialized burn centers (burn care
departments at a multi-field hospital) is introduction of a mechanism of
governmental (municipal) work tasks. This paper also specifies the
content of this funding mechanism, i.e. cost reimbursement of burn
treatment is based on standard financial expenses per completed
inpatient case rather than on the cost of burn treatment on the basis of
actual amount of services provided.
Keywords. Burn injury; thermal burns; program
activities; cost standardization; clinical and statistical groups;
standards of financial expenses; goal-driven program budgeting.
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