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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2013 (29) arrow Application of computer-based medical and hygienic technologies in comprehensive school
Application of computer-based medical and hygienic technologies in comprehensive school Print
Tuesday, 19 March 2013

A.V. Lyakhovich, A.S. Lozovskaya, A.N. Kolomenskaya
Research institute of Public Health and Health Management, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow

Summary. The article dwells upon primary prevention through computer-based applications in comprehensive schools to prevent substance abuse and disorders and diseases of musculoskeletal system in children.

As part of the “Basics of Life Safety” class five Moscow comprehensive schools took part in the study. Health education in schools covered a wide range of issues related to healthy life style with a focus on modern challenges including use of psychoactive substances and disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The study used the developed computer-based applications. The educational computer-based program on substance abuse prevention includes psychoactive substances that are most often consumed by the youth. This program covers different aspects of impact from medical and hygienic didactic tasks; logical modules of information to ensure control over the cognitive activity of the user that are focused on developing adequate patterns of hygiene behavior. Algorithm to design a substance abuse prevention program has been presented; program’s effectiveness has been evaluated. The program consists of six blocks (logical modules), case studies with pre-test statements to assess background knowledge of different narcotic drugs. General knowledge gained by pupils in the classroom was compared with information received through the computer-based program. The knowledge was rated against a five-score rating scale. The analysis showed insufficient level of information retention in the classroom. The program’s case studies help assess knowledge of clinical signs of certain drug addictions and their impact on health. Effectiveness measures of the program have been presented. Final testing showed excellent and good results: 41 users or 74.5% of the focus-group received 220-260 scores, which reflects a significant increase in knowledge of all high school students. To optimize work of the school physician an information system “Detection, correction and prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system in general educational institutions” has been developed.

Keywords. Pupils, comprehensive school; hygienic education; psychoactive substances; school health education; prevention computer education program; functional disorders and diseases of musculoskeletal system in school children.



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