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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2013 (30) arrow Features of standards forming volume outpatient care for different age groups in population
Features of standards forming volume outpatient care for different age groups in population Print
Thursday, 18 April 2013

Summary. Public demand for the extent of outpatient care is directly related to the population age structure, morbidity rates and morbidity structure as well as access to emergency and immediate care, timely hospitalization and quality of inpatient care. Uptake of outpatient care is also affected by quality and accessibility of care and its level of organization (early diagnostics, regular medical check-ups, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation).

Methods of standardizing and planning outpatient care through direct qualitative calculation require consideration of many demographic, economic, organizational and technological factors which is a challenging and very time-consuming procedure. To simplify and speed up calculation of standard extent of outpatient care we have suggested a methodology that ensures reliable and faster calculation of age-standardized extent of medical care.

For the first time ever a research resulted in a universal methodological tool – age-standardized rates (index) of care uptake, allowing to calculate age-standardized extent of outpatient care (primary care) for developing programs of state guaranties of free medical care at the federal level and, what is of crucial importance, within the constituent territories of the Russian Federation with due regard to their specific age structures. Age-standardized extent of outpatient care for 2012 has been calculated with formulas developed by the authors, which are presented in five tables.

The proposed method provides for a unified approach to develop age-standardized extent of outpatient care; the method is clear, user-friendly and is recommended for the development of regional programs of state guaranties.

Keywords. Medical care; standardized rates (index) of medical care uptake; differential standards of outpatient care.


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