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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2013 (30) arrow Analysis system of mortality statistics based on Medical Death Certificates and reliability of registration of causes of death
Analysis system of mortality statistics based on Medical Death Certificates and reliability of registration of causes of death Print
Thursday, 18 April 2013

Summary. The analysis of the reliability of mortality statistics through the proposed three-tier system. Used official mortality statistics of WHO, the Russian Federation and the data in the Tula region in 2000-2011 years (databases, medical Certificates of death, primary medical documentation).

Comparing databases in 2000 and 2011 shows an increase in the proportion of endocrine disease is 5.6 times the data of Tulastat and 2.5 times according to health care bodies. Errors of selection of the underlying cause of death in diabetes underestimate mortality (Russian Federation, 2010 - 5.4 per 100 thousand population), which is confirmed by international comparisons (Europe, 2010 - 11.9).

Analysis of the dynamics of errors in Certificates of death in the Tula region showed a decrease of 80.7% in 2000 to 13.9% in 2008 (down by 5.8 times). Increase in the number of errors to 23.6% in 2012 was associated with the introduction in 2009 of a new order of registration of Certificates of death. Our automated system of completing Certificates of death compared to the manual method have lower error rates (9.5% lower than in 2008 and 27 times - in 2012).

Decrease the number of unspecified conditions referred to as the underlying cause of death in the database of Tula region from 35.7% in 2000 to 11.9% in 2011 (down 3 times). The large number of "unspecified causes of death", offered by medical examiners, changes the structure of mortality, understating the death rate from injury and poisoning by about 2%.

The simulated data base revealed on which classes of ICD-10 is the wrong choice of the underlying cause of death, this database contains a sufficient number of conditions for the analysis of multiple causes of death.

Three levels of analysis show has identified errors in the registration of deaths at all levels and determine how to correct them: training of physicians and the implementation of automated systems.

Keywords. Demography; causes of death; mortality statistics; ICD-10; coding; death certificates, selection of underlying cause of death; unspecified causes of death; multiple causes of death; automated systems.


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