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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2013 (30) arrow Medical and social profile of clients of a private health care facility
Medical and social profile of clients of a private health care facility Print
Thursday, 18 April 2013

Resume. Analysis of clients’ profile and performance evaluation of the private clinic helped to identify specific performance characteristics of this type of health care facility, including:

- the majority of clients are working-age patients with higher education, white collar workers mainly (employees of banks, businessmen, civil servants), and females predominantly;

- frequency of visits varies across different demographic and social groups from 5.45 to 0.2. This variation suggests problems related to care access;

- visits fluctuate within a day and across days of the week. This finding served basis for changing working hours of the clinic. The introduced changes resulted in improved access to care over weekends and holidays increasing the number of visits at non-working days by 15.5% for three years;

- morbidity prevalence among the contractual patients has been relatively stable for the last three years with respiratory diseases, ocular diseases, diseases of the genitourinary system and diseases of the musculoskeletal system prevailing. morbidity incidence of injuries and poisoning, diseases of blood circulatory system, endocrine system, central nervous system and diseases of the digestive system serves a prognostic factor for strengthening the relevant areas of the clinic performance;

- every third visit to the clinic is a visit to a obstetrician-gynecologist; every fifth visit is a visit to an orthopedic traumatologist; the remaining 50% of visits is equally divided between specialists of the following three specialties: urologists, surgeons and cardiologists. Functional diagnostics is the most utilized service with its rates being almost unchanged. Rates of X-ray examinations increased by 30% for three years with rates of laboratory tests decreasing by 22.4%, which is accounted for by the pathology structure of the contractual patients.

Keywords. Multi-field health care facility; private health care facility; social profile of clients of private medicine; morbidity.


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