Summary. The article presents literature review of the
last years’ publications on the Russian approach towards using narcotic
drugs in medical facilities in comparison with other countries.
Available publications have been selected from the Russian-language
database of scientific publications “E-library” that served as an
information source. Some publications on circulation of legal narcotic
drugs in the U.S. and Europe have been found in English-language library
“PubMed”. Authors of the articles on organization of health and medical
services analyze regulatory and legal framework that regulates
circulation of narcotic substances and provide a historic background on
their use in medicine. Publications on results of clinical trials and
reviews of such studies present comparisons of narcotic drugs,
assessment of mode of administration as well as harmful effects of
overuse. Russian and foreign researchers agree that narcotic analgesics
are essential in medical practice with the optimal mode of
administration being less invasive peroral and transdermal. In Russia
the circulation of analgesics is decreasing causing many patients suffer
from pain syndrome while the U.S. and Europe tend to overuse use legal
narcotic drugs.
The main conclusion is that hundreds of thousands of Russian patients
receive legal narcotic drugs in significantly less amounts than is
required to ensure their right to live free from sufferings and pain.
Patients and physicians fail to overcome artificial administrative
barriers to prescription and receipt of such legal narcotic drugs. At
the same time, there is a problem of easy access to legal narcotic drugs
abroad and their excessive prescription resulting in abuse of legal
narcotic drugs in population.
Keywords: Drug policy; narcotic analgesics; legal narcotic drugs; prescription opioids.
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