Methods. Opinion of population was analyzed on the base of
scientific publications on the results of regional and all-Russian surveys as
well as internet-discussions on the topic. Experts' opinion was studied using
publications in scientific and broadsheet editions. Selection of sources and
expert pools (politicians, public persons, representatives of State Duma and
Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, ministries and governmental
agencies as well as wide range of researchers representing central and regional
academic and institutional scientific and educational establishments) was
determined by public interest intrinsical to demographic policy measures on
health improvement and mortality reduction. That's why the discussion on their
appropriateness and performance falls beyond academic circles.
Results. Surveys show that Russian society now encourage
measures aimed on formation of healthy life styles, control of smoking and
alcohol abuse. Among directions for prevention of risk factors, public opinion
preferres informational, educational and propagandistic measures, creation of
conditions for development of creative work and sports for youth as well as
state support of employment of working population especially in rural areas.
Experts share
population's opinion about importance of prevention considering that formation
of motivation of healthy life style in population and demonstration of
self-protective behaviour are the main state goals in the sphere of mortality
The important
point of measures' introduction according to experts is monitoring and
evaluation of their performance, recovery of adequate demographical statistics.
Programs of demographic development should take into account regional specifics
and regional resources.
Scope of application. Opinion of experts and population should be taken into account by
decision makers while elaboration of new policy measures and correction of
ineffective solutions.
Keywords. Measures on mortality reduction; demographic
policy; concept; program; population opinion; expert opinion; regional and
municipial level; translation of public opinion in mass media.
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