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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2013 (31) arrow On the way to full tariff of payments of medical servises
On the way to full tariff of payments of medical servises Print
Monday, 08 July 2013

Summary. Large-scale transformations in the public health of Russia relate to the reform of the financial system. The priorities of the reforms are mainly translation of all the medical care insurance principles of financing, implementation of payment of medical care for the full financial and filled with fare implement ways of payment for medical care, performance oriented health care organizations, the implementation of effective ways to pay for health care workers, the search for new channels of financing the sector through public-private partnerships.

Objective: to examine options for the formation of so-called "full fare" for medical services rendered from the mandatory health insurance. Each of the ways to include additional items of expenditure in the fare has its advantages and disadvantages. Included in the rate of cost, investment expenditure, also implies the need for an informed decision, taking into account all the "pros" and "cons".

Methods: The study was accepted by the regulatory legal documents a number of subjects, previously switched to pay for health care at the full rate. We evaluated the technique to include additional items of expenditure spent on health maintenance organizations that offer a way to differentiate tariffs for the provision of medical care in relation to the inclusion of costs in the tariffs for the purchase of medical equipment.

Results: The choice of method of payment for medical care at the full rate of mandatory health insurance funds affected by factors, mainly related to the financial security of regional programs of state guarantees free medical care to citizens in the territories of each subject of the Russian Federation. Another factor is the willingness of the health care system of the Russian Federation to move to the most risky way of forming rate at which the total dependence on the amount of the proceeds of medical care. The presented results of the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the possible methods of formation of the full tariff will help each subject to choose the most appropriate option.

Keywords: full tariff, single-channel financing, compulsory health insurance, the health care system


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