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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2013 (31) arrow Improving information support of outpatient care delivery to patients with otorhinolaryngological disorders in Moscow
Improving information support of outpatient care delivery to patients with otorhinolaryngological disorders in Moscow Print
Tuesday, 09 July 2013

A. Makhmudii
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow

Summary. Otorhinolaryngological morbidity is not only a medical issue in the Russian Federation but a social one as it remains a high risk factor for disability retirement. Disorders of otorhinolaryngological organs in working ages result in decreased life expectancy and quality of life, temporal and permanent disability. Results of the first phase of the epidemiological monitoring of otorhinolaryngological disorders in the Russian national sampling (2007) show their high prevalence with morbidity rates varying from 10.3% to 27.7% across different regions suggesting unfavorable prognosis from the one hand and ineffective treatment from the other hand.

National scientific data on improving care for patients with otorhinolaryngological disorders to decrease chronization of the pathological process due to manageable causes is only available from a limited number of scientific papers. Heterogeneity of methodological approaches and lack of continuity between different stages of care delivery at primary care facilities impair development of effective care for patients with otorhinolaryngological disorders.

Lack of specific clinical symptoms and peculiar hemodynamic characteristics of patients with otorhinolaryngological disorders remain outstanding issues in practical healthcare. There is a need for developing unified guidelines for early detection of otorhinolaryngological disorders at outpatient level where about 80% of patient start and complete their treatment. Nowadays, proceeding from the available knowledge, prevention of otorhinolaryngological disorders should be developed with due regard to risk factors.

Setting up a personalized record keeping of care delivered ensures detection and registration of otorhinolaryngological cases at all stages of care delivery. It requires development of an integrated system for collection, processing, analysis and flow of medical statistical information. Personalized records of medical care delivered should be the basis for such system. Due to specific features of the technology only this methodology ensures coordinated recording and processing of data on medical care delivered to individual patients, group of patients and at the population level.

Keywords: morbidity; specialized medical care; personalized record keeping; continuity of care at health care facilities.



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