N.A.Kravchenko, V.B.Rozanov
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
Summary. Background. This work is relevant due
to the fact that standard extent of medical care capacity annually
stipulated by the State guarantee program does not reflect actual demand
for adult and pediatric outpatient care, inpatient care, emergency and
acute care in the majority of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
Objective. To develop methods to adapt federal standards of
medical care capacity to specific needs of a particular region of the
Russian Federation.
Methods. The subject of the study was the Program on State
Guarantees to Deliver Free Medical Care to the Citizens of the Russian
Federation in 2011 and the Information Letter # 20-2/10/2-12028 issued
by the Ministry of Health and Social Development on December 17th,
2010 "On development and economic feasibility of the Territorial
program on state guarantees to deliver free medical care to the citizens
of the Russian Federation in 2011". Federal standards of both inpatient
and outpatient medical care have been adapted using specially designed
Results. The authors offer a method for adapting federal
standards of medical care capacity to a particular region of the Russian
Federation that considers the following three main factors: demographic
composition of the population, characteristics of population
distribution and transport accessibility of health care facilities.
Scope of application. The developed method for adapting
federal standards of medical care capacity to a particular region of the
Russian Federation can be used to develop regional programs of state
guarantees, as well as to assess results of their implementation.
Conclusions. The proposed adaptation method helps to cover
more adequately actual demands for care in a particular region of the
Russian Federation within the general standard of medical care capacity.
Keywords. Medical care, federal standard of medical
care, territorial standard of medical care, adaptation of federal
standards of medical care.
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