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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2013 (32) arrow Epidemiology of pediatric traumatic brain injury in Moscow
Epidemiology of pediatric traumatic brain injury in Moscow Print
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Summary. Traumatic brain injury ranks first among all pediatric traumas, accounting for high rates of incidence, mortality and hospitalization.

Medical and organizational activities aimed at neurotraumatic care improvement as well as prevention measures planning should be optimized based on data from epidemiological studies conducted with due regard to gender, age and regional peculiarities, because causes of traumatic brain injuries much differ depending on social, geographic, meteorological, demographic and other factors.

Objective and data. To analyze and evaluate current epidemiological situation with regard to pediatric traumatic brain injuries in Moscow the authors have reviewed major trends in incidence and mortality for 2003-2010 in comparison with the average Russia rates.

Results and conclusions. Moscow is the high-risk area in terms of pediatric traumatic brain injury. Children account for one third of all cases of traumatic brain injuries; incidence in Moscow doubles the average Russia rates.

Owing to high organizational level of pre-admission and specialty care delivery and cluster of the relevant pediatric facilities in the capital Moscow reports low pediatric mortality from traumatic brain injuries.

On the one hand the identified range in pediatric traumatic brain injury incidence and mortality trends in Moscow indicates an opportunity for managing the situation at the level of care delivery to patients in order to decrease irrecoverable losses. On the other hand it calls for an intensive specialized approach to prevention of traumatic brain injuries based on analysis of epidemiological, social, economic and other peculiarities.

Êeywords: traumatic brain injury, children, epidemiological peculiarities, medical aid


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