Livshits, O.V. Nagornaya
Research Center - Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of the
Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia
Summary. Background. Respiratory diseases
among children ranks first accounting for up to 43%; upper airway
disorders are at the top both among newborns and school-aged children
ranging from 14.0% to 19.0% of all otorhinolaryngological disorders.
High prevalence of otorhinolaryngological disorders is fraught with
severe complications of organs and systems resulting in decreased
quality of life, deterioration of public health in general, and
increased primary disability; their pathogenic mechanisms rest on
undetected, late diagnosed otorhinolaryngological disorders.
Progressive health deterioration of children in big Russian regions
dense with population along with low detection of different disorders
within the current system of regular medical check-up for the last
decade make it necessary to look for ways to better manage healthcare
resources, develop new forms of preventive activities and improve
quality evaluation system of care delivery to children with
otorhinolaryngological disorders.
Objective of the study was to design activities aimed
at improving quality of otorhinolaryngological care to children at the
outpatient level of care delivery.
Results. Age-specific peculiarities of
otorhinolaryngological prevalence in children in the big region and its
structure have been analyzed.
Causes of errors in performance of pediatric otorhinolaryngologists at polyclinics have been studied.
Procedures for expert review of performance of pediatric otorhinolaryngologists at polyclinics have been developed.
Conclusions. Algorithm to evaluate performance
of pediatric otorhinolaryngologists at polyclinics has been developed
and implemented including:
Surveys to understand satisfaction with quality of
otorhinolaryngological care delivery to school-aged children at urban
polyclinics in the current context.
Analysis of errors in performance of otorhinolaryngologists based on expert review.
Development of medical and organizational activities aimed at
elimination of unfavorable factors and errors of pediatric
This algorithm helped to suggest activities to improve quality
management of otorhinolaryngological care to school-aged children at the
outpatient level in a big region.
Keywords: children; health care; quality, otorhinolaryngological disorder.
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