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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2013 (32) arrow Concept of information system for distance theory and practice examination in first aid
Concept of information system for distance theory and practice examination in first aid Print
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

L.I. Dezhurny, G.S. Lebedev, G.V. Neudakhin
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Summary. The article focuses on developing conceptual framework for distance theory and practice examination in first aid.

Background. Quality of drivers’ training in first aid provided by driving schools is low. Lack of a unified system of quality control over drivers’ training in first aid at driver training schools is the reason for low quality. Development of such quality control system requires substantial theoretical justification. This article aims at solving this topical issue.

Objective of the study was to develop a conceptual framework for distance theory and practice examination in first aid.

Results. Using technical method the current system of normative legal regulation for conducting examination in first aid for the driver training school attendees has been reviewed. Then, using comparative assessment and method of computation the available for implementation mechanisms of practice examination in first aid have been analyzed. Conceptual framework for distance theory and practice examination in first aid has been developed using functional simulation method. Analysis and estimations showed that introduction of the first-aid examination requires numerous staff examiners which is quite challenging from the organizational point of view and will also result in increased cost of the driver training.

To overcome those barriers the authors have developed an innovative mechanism for distance theory and practice examination in first aid based on modern information technologies.

Scope of application. The developed system for distance theory and practice examination in first aid can be incorporated into the drivers’ school curriculum (about 2.5 million drivers per year) and set framework for quality training of drivers in first aid.

Keywords. Traumatism, road safety, first aid, training, exam.



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