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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2013 (33) arrow Current situation, problems and prospects for developing organizational and functional system for primary prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases in St. Petersburg
Current situation, problems and prospects for developing organizational and functional system for primary prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases in St. Petersburg Print
Monday, 11 November 2013

M.V. Avdeeva1,2, Yu.V. Lobzin1,2, V.S. Luchkevich2
1Research Institute for Children's Infections, St. Petersburg
2 Northwestern State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg

Summary. Prospects for reducing morbidity and mortality from chronic non-communicable diseases are largely determined by effective performance of the primary prevention system.

The aim of the study was to review current situation, problems and prospects for further development of the system for primary prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases.

Methods. Annual reporting forms # 68 «Health center profile» for 22 Saint-Petersburg's adult health centers have been analyzed for 2009-2012.

Results. Increased utilization of adult health centers has been reported for the period under review. The majority of visits to health centers were self-initiated. 65.8% - 80.8% of visitors had risk factors for developing chronic non-communicable diseases. However, the reporting form # 68 does not reflect real state of health of the citizens as it does not include structure of the risk factors and their relationship to chronic non-communicable diseases.

Health centers turned out to have insufficient flow of patients and thus not operating at full capacity. Among workforce problems a high share of stuff with secondary job and low share of physicians with qualification certificates can be mentioned. 

Conclusions. To improve primary prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases regulatory measures should be taken to increase utilization of health centers. Performance evaluation of health centers in terms of primary prevention identified the need to expand the reporting form#68 with information about structure of the risk factors identified.

Keywords: health centers; primary prevention; health protection of the adult population; chronic non-communicable diseases.


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