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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2013 (34) arrow Unified method of developing differentiated age-specific standard needs in volumes of inpatient medical care
Unified method of developing differentiated age-specific standard needs in volumes of inpatient medical care Print
Thursday, 26 December 2013

N.A. Kravchenko, V.B. Rozanov
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow

Abstract. Background. The work is rationalized by the fact that the volumes of standard care, annually approved by the Program of state guarantee, do not reflect the actual need in inpatient medical care in the majority of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The aim of the study was to develop methodology for calculating standard needs in inpatient care in respect to individual regions that differ both in demographic composition and morbidity rates.

Methods. The subject of the study was the Program on State Guarantees to Deliver Free Medical Care to the Citizens of the Russian Federation in 2011 and the Information Letter # 20-2/10/2-12028 issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Development on December 17th, 2010 "On development and economic feasibility of the Territorial program on state guarantees to deliver free medical care to the citizens of the Russian Federation in 2011". Federal standards of both inpatient and outpatient medical care have been adapted using specially designed formulas.

Results. The authors offered a set of universal methodological tools - age-standardized coefficients (indexes) of medical care uptake that allow to calculate age-specific differentiated standard needs in inpatient care.

Scope of application. The developed technique for adapting federal standard volumes of inpatient care to individual regions (constituent entities) of the Russian Federation can be used to develop programs of state guarantees of free medical care, both at the federal and regional levels in the Russian Federation with due regard to their specific age structure.

Conclusions. The proposed method provides a unified approach to develop differentiated age-specific standard needs in inpatient care, it is clear and easy to use by potential users from any region of the Russian Federation and other countries that collect statistics on seeking medical care and hospitalization in 24-hour hospitals of various medical specialties (beds’ profiles).

Keywords: medical care, standardized coefficients (indexes) of medical care uptake, differentiated standard needs in inpatient care.


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