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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2013 (34) arrow Reproductive and demographic situation in the Udmurtian Republic - state, dynamics, trends
Reproductive and demographic situation in the Udmurtian Republic - state, dynamics, trends Print
Thursday, 26 December 2013

N.N. Bushmelåva
Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Izhevsk

Abstract. The main factor ensuring demographic safety of the country is efficiency of reproduction both in quantitative (number of births) and qualitative (viability of newborns) terms.

The aim of the study was to analyze reproductive and demographic situation, state of somatic and reproductive health of women in the Udmurtian Republic compared to the Russian Federation and the Privolzhsky (Volga) Federal District.

Methods. Medical demographic indicators for 1991-2011 were analyzed on the basis of official data by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) and information from the Regional agency for state statistics of the Udmurtian Republic (according to information support charts approved by the Ministry of Health of the Udmurtian Republic).

Results. Dynamics of demographic indicators in the Udmurtian Republic is similar to the one of the Russian Federation; however, variance of fertility, mortality and natural increase indicators are more expressed compared to Russia in general. Fertility level in the Udmurtian Republic remained higher during the study period compared to Russia and more significantly reduced during economic crisis (from 13.7‰ in 1991 to 9.1‰ in 1996 or by 33.6), while in Russia it decreased from 12.1‰ in 1991 to 8.6‰ in 1996 or by 29.0%. Positive natural increase in the Udmurtian Republic started to be registered since 2009 and remains positive ever since. Total fertility rate in the Republic was 1.759 in 2011. 30.0% of births are illegitimate.

During 1991-2011 the growth of disease prevalence was more expressed than in Russia in general. The highest morbidity growth is registered in children and adolescents (by 76.3% and 99.2% respectively) which determines high level of reproductive and perinatal pathology in coming years.

In female population of Russia and the Udmurtian Republic morbidity growth is registered for socially-related and socially-sound diseases – TB (by 1.2 times in 1997-2010); narcomania (by 6.6 times), alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis (by 1.6 times). Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections in the Republic is higher than the Russian average by 1.7 times, among them syphilis and gonorrhea - by 2.6 times. Pregnancy and delivery complications in Udmurtia are higher than in Russia especially due to diseases of the genitourinary system (by 2.7 times); diseases of the circulatory system (by 1.8 times) and also due to eclampsia and preeclampsia.

Sustainable deterioration of population health in the Udmurtian Republic, growing number of pregnant women with somatic pathology, high morbidity of reproductive system are predisposing factors in the development of pathologies in pregnancy and delivery as well as factors on high reproductive losses.

Keywords: population reproduction; reproductive and demographic situation; somatic and reproductive health of women.


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