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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2013 (34) arrow Innovation technologies in the practice of children’s health centers
Innovation technologies in the practice of children’s health centers Print
Friday, 27 December 2013

Baranov A.A.1, Albitsky V.Yu1,2, Yakovleva T.V.², Modestov A.A.¹,², Kosova S.A.¹,², Terletskaya R.N. ¹,², Zelinskaya D.I.¹, Ivanova A.A.¹,², Nevolin Yu.S.³, Bondar V.I.¹, Volkov I.M.¹, Farrahov A.Z.⁴, Fedotkina S.A. ⁵
¹Scientific Centre of Children Health under the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow.
²Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow.
³Children’s Health Center, Krasnoturyinsk city, Sverdlovsk region
⁴Ministry of Health, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan
⁵St. Petersburg State University, College of Medicine, St. Petersburg.

Abstract. Background. Organization of Children’s Health Centers was a response to the continuous growth of incidence and prevalence of diseases in children as well as mortality from chronic noncommunicable diseases. Positioning health centers within the system of preventive care to children is the crucial issue for their efficient performance.

Methods and data. “Data on performance of health center” statistical form #68 in the Russian Federation for 2010-2012 were analyzed. SWOT-analysis was used to Innovative technologies to promote preventive medical services, i.e.: visiting activities of children’s health centers, marketing technologies and use of Internet-based recourses were analyzed. Sociological surveys of children served by children’s health centers and their parents were conducted.

Results. Positive trends in frequency rate of visits to children’s health centers were identified suggesting improved prevention activities of primary care providers of childe healthcare and school health.

Major deficiencies in work organization of children’s health centers include the following: lack of procedures and standards of work with clients, insufficient data in the Form#68 that are necessary for implementing all-Russia monitoring of children’s health. Priority measures for successful cooperation between health centers and institutions both inside and outside the healthcare system were identified.

Innovative types of activities of health centers, i.e.: visiting forms of work, specialized exhibitions, and virtual outpatient clinics were presented. Sociological surveys identified attitude of visitors regarding performance of children’s health centers and collected parents’ opinion about ways to improve.

Conclusions. Development and introduction of innovative forms to organize work of children’s health centers are key for improving quality and access to medical services.

Keywords: health center, children population, prevention, healthy lifestyle, medical services, innovative technologies, internet resources, marketing in healthcare


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1. 10-01-2014 11:10
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