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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2013 (34) arrow Formation of competences of health care manager during additional professional training
Formation of competences of health care manager during additional professional training Print
Friday, 27 December 2013

D.I. Kicha¹, A.V. Fomina¹, A.S. Makaryan¹, I.V. Pachgin² A.V. Ivanenko¹, V.E.Lugovoy³
¹– People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
²– Obligatory health insurance territorial fund of the Kemerovo region, Kemerovo
³-Sanatorium «Podlipki», Moscow region

Abstract. Development and implementation of programs of additional professional education in health care represents considerable practical interest. Needs for frames of management during modernization of health care can be satisfied with health care of high qualification only by development of the target training program. During implementation of the program at listeners professional competences according to their functional duties and requirements of sector of health care of a certain level have to be created.

Aim of the research. The purpose of the study - to show the problem of the lack of health management specialists for the national health and suggest solutions in the framework of the programs of additional education and formation of professional competencies.

Methods and data.  The results obtained from the analysis of materials evaluation opinions postgraduate students of the program "Master of Business Administration» (Post Graduate Course - MBA «Health Care Management» (MBA) programs of the second higher education, "Health Care Management" and further education "Public health Management"- as experts, materials of special publications, regulations and legislation in the field of health and personal experience of the authors of the article.

Results and Discussion.  In the present conditions of the Russian health care quickly enough to the dynamic changes of functional- structural nature. Change and increased demands on the economic methods of management, demand for professionals with the skills to manage health care organizations at various levels of the health system, and at the level of the Russian Federation, the role of staff holding strategic methods of health management. Existing training programs in leading Universities of medical profile cannot fully carry out these tasks by the same high standards of the academic body, time constraints, frequent changes in the terms and objectives of health care. At the same time, the health system, because of the known imbalances, organizational, legal, and economic instability in itself "rejects" professional managers qualifications. The answer to these challenges may be the priority optimization postgraduate training curriculum policy-makers, development and introduction of educational practice programs of the second higher education in " Management in Health Care" (bachelors, masters), as well as programs in Business Administration in Healthcare (MBA (Master of Business Administration) - «Health Care Management»). Implementation of measures for the development and implementation of these programs will make up for lack of priority training for managers at higher levels of health management communications , inter-sectoral collaboration, independent decision of correct management decisions, strategic management and, most importantly, to develop the ability to continuously self-learning.

Scope of application. The area of application of the results: medical organizations, health authorities, health insurance organizations, medical universities graduate forms of training, social protection authorities, health centers, public authorities and the government.

Keywords: health care; competences; management; education; medical insurance; program.


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Last Updated ( Friday, 27 December 2013 )
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