M.A. Flores
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
Abstract. Background. Policymaking and
implementation of national policy on pharmaceutical products supply is
one of the State’s healthcare priorities and is closely related to
renewal and development of the national pharmaceutical industry.
The aim of the study was to analyze strategic documents
defining priority areas for developing pharmaceutical industry in the
Russian Federation and to define the State’s role as a financing source
for effective performance of this sector.
Methods and data. The author analyzed regulatory
documents adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation and
relevant ministries that determine policy, concept and strategy on
developing national pharmaceutical industry until 2025.
Results. Strategy on pharmaceutical products supply
until 2025 emphasizes access to high-quality pharmaceutical products and
covers objectives to improve the system of cost control and introduce
effective models of cost reimbursement of pharmaceutical products.
Addressing those objectives the Strategy relies upon the two target
programs: the State Program of the Russian Federation on “Healthcare
development” and Federal Target Program on “Development of
pharmaceutical and medical industry in the Russian Federation until
2020” that define volumes of budgetary and extra-budgetary resources to
ensure complete production cycle of strategic pharmaceutical products in
the Russian Federation, and development of target scientific programs
and research centers for development of pharmaceutical products.
To attain the target indicators it is planned to increase the share
of state expenditures on healthcare in gross domestic product from 3.6%
to 5.2-5.5% during 2008-2020. The Federal Target Program envisages
funding for program activities through federal budget up to 180,454.359
million rubles.
Conclusions. Strategic documents on socioeconomic
development of the country and renewal of the national pharmaceutical
industry frame main directions of the sector development and clearly
define target indicators, sources and volumes of financing for key
groups of activities aimed at developing innovative pharmaceutical
products, import-substituting pharmaceuticals and finished dosage forms
as well as effective financial frameworks for their development.
Keywords. Pharmaceutical industry; development concept
and strategy; innovative pharmaceutical cluster; seed financing; venture
capital funds; guidelines for good clinical practice.
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