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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2014 (35) arrow Extrabudgetary medical rehabilitation department: new approach to care delivery at multidisciplinary hospital
Extrabudgetary medical rehabilitation department: new approach to care delivery at multidisciplinary hospital Print
Monday, 17 March 2014

A.R. Gabrielyan
City clinical hospital #61, Moscow 

Summary. Background. Since the start-up of healthcare reforming the overwhelming majority of the Russian regions have not seceded in attaining the balance in provision of certain volumes of medical care determined by the Program on State Guarantees to Deliver Free Medical Care to the Citizens of the Russian Federation that violates the principle of universal access to medical care.

In the current context, one of the main problems is the fact that resent insufficient provision of the federal health care facilities with resources had a negative effect on infrastructure, quality and performance of those facilitates.

Fund allocations from the federal budget received by the federal health care facilities fail to cover their actual demands to ensure planned volumes of care delivery with modern medical technologies.

In this context it is essential to solve issues related to utilization of extrabudgetary financial resources, for example, - setting up an extrabudgetary department at the multidisciplinary hospital. At the modern stage of medicine development and emergence of new diagnostic and treatment technologies methods of medical rehabilitation that help to increase mobility of patients and significantly prolong or ensure adequate quality of life and to facilitate return to active work become of even greater importance.

The aim of the study was to substantiate the need for setting up an extrabudgetary department at the multidisciplinary hospital as an organizational innovation, and set up this department and evaluate its performance.

Methods. Analytical, monographic, statistical analysis.

Practical implications. Organization of an extrabudgetary department at the multidisciplinary hospitals will encourage attraction of additional funds for provision of medical care to patients with the use of expensive methods of diagnostics and treatment as well as yield additional income to the medical facility.

Keywords: innovation; medical rehabilitation department; comprehensive approach; patients; extrabudgetary department.


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