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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2014 (36) arrow Application of marketing studies to optimize performance of municipal dental clinics
Application of marketing studies to optimize performance of municipal dental clinics Print
Tuesday, 27 May 2014

A.S. Aleinikov
Center of Biotic Dentistry Ltd., Moscow

Abstract. Background. Over the last decade during healthcare reforming in Russia together with the system of state (budgetary) financing of health care facilities a budgetary-insurance model and the system of voluntary health insurance have been developed. As a result, issues related to health insurance become of great importance.

All current processes define the need for optimizing cooperation between all stakeholders in the health service market, improving quality of health care within the systems of compulsory medical insurance, voluntary medical insurance, and paid medical services as well as searching for new ways to deliver quality health care within the system of municipial healthcare.

The aim of the study was to substantiate application of marketing studies to optimize management of diagnostics and treatment processes at the municipal dental clinics.

Results. Results of the conducted marketing studies help to further improve performance of the dental clinic through introduction of economically feasible forms of health care delivery and potential further improvement of medical services within the system of compulsory medical insurance which will result in improved dental care delivery to the population.

Management of dental clinics and heads of structural divisions are recommended to use results of marketing studies for optimizing the algorithm of dental care delivery while planning and implementing treatment and diagnostics activities.

Prospects for future application: the marketing analysis method can be used for optimizing health care delivery at the municipal dental clinic within the system of compulsory medical insurance.

Keywords: dental clinic; marketing approach; management; analysis.



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