N.P. Kirbasova1, N.A. Kravchenko1, R.A. Khalfin1, A.M. Magomedova2, P.M. Nurmagomedova3
Substantiating the need for obstetric beds in the Republic of
Dagestan with due regard to demographic and geographic peculiarities of
the territory
1I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
2Medical stock insurance company «Max-M», Makhachkala Branch, Republic of Dagestan
3Ministry of Health, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan
Summary. Background. The existing two-level
structure of the obstetric facilities’ network in the Republic of
Dagestan fails to meet regulatory documents of the Russian Federation
stemming decline in maternal and perinatal mortality as well as limiting
availability and decreasing quality of care to pregnant women,
parturient women and newborns. Those indicators exceed the ones in the
Russian Fedearation by 1.5-1.9 times. Increase in early neonatal
mortality accounts for a slow rate of perinatal mortality reduction.
21-26% of deliveries occur in rural areas; 68% of maternal deaths are
registered among rural women.
The authors substantiate the need for increasing the number of
obstetric beds based on maternal and perinatal mortality indicators,
geographical location and transportation routes in the Republic. The
authors also identify three territorial zones for allocating the missing
beds (third level beds). The authors also suggest methods for
calculating population need in obstetric beds.
The aim of the study was to substantiate methodology for calculating need in obstetric beds.
Methods: the authors analyzed demographic
structure of the population, fertility, maternal and perinatal mortality
on the base of “Dagestanstat” official statistics.
Results: methodology for calculating need in obstetric beds was developed.
1. The two-level structure of obstetric facilities network stems
decline in maternal and perinatal mortality; limits access to care.
2. The need for optimizing obstetric facilities network in terms of
capacity and structure was substantiated: the new three-level system of
obstetric care is under development.
3. The missing third-level beds are to be allocated within the three
medical territorial zones: Derbent – 184 beds, Makhachkala – 406 beds
and Khasaviurt – 188 beds.
Scope of application: territorial Program on optimizing obstetric facilities’ network, territorial Programme on State Guarantees.
Keywords: population need in obstetric beds; maternal
mortality; perinatal mortality; fertility; demographic structure of
population; calculation of need in beds; geographical peculiarities.
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