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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2014 (37) arrow Major avenues of work for improving medical care for cancer patients in the context of modern social and economic conditions in a particular region
Major avenues of work for improving medical care for cancer patients in the context of modern social and economic conditions in a particular region Print
Tuesday, 15 July 2014

V. P. Gordienko, A.A. Vakhnenko, O.V.Sapegina, E.M.Rolko
Amur State Medical Academy, Blagoveschensk

Summary. Positive dynamics in major indicators of medical care delivery to cancer patients has not been registered for two decades. This makes the study topic relevant and the use of multidisciplinary approach to solve it expedient with a comprehensive analysis of a variety of information bases, including capacities for early detection of tumors at primary care settings.

The aim of the study was to develop evidence-based measures aimed at improving organization, expanding access to care and improving quality of care delivery to cancer patients in the particular region of the Russian Federation.

Methods. The authors used incidence and mortality indicators, forms of statistical accounting and regulation documents of superior organizations. Possibilities for a step-wise delivery of diagnostic and medical care to patients with malignant neoplasms were explored.

Results. The study showed that incidence and mortality indicators increase every year, especially for neoplasms localized in the lung, stomach, trachea and bronchi, esophagus and colon. Mortality from neoplasms of a rather favorable prognosis (breast cancer, cervical cancer, rectal cancer and others) is high. The study also identified the role of polyclinic doctors and their main responsibilities for detecting malignant neoplasms at early stages.

The authors also defined major avenues of work for developing the cancer service and mechanisms for its improvement, recommendation to intensify the role of primary care facilities in cancer care delivery, routing of cancer patients for the particular region, algorithm of step-wise medical care delivery to patients with malignant neoplasms. Those measures will improve cancer detection at early stages, and, therefore, increase efficacy of treatment and improve quality of life of cancer patients.

The authors recommend that the study results be implemented into routine practice of the cancer service of the Amur region while setting priorities for target medical and social and economic programs.

Key words: malignant neoplasms; region; direction; routing; algorithm.


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