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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2014 (37) arrow Medical and social profile and main professional characteristics of ultrasound specialist
Medical and social profile and main professional characteristics of ultrasound specialist Print
Tuesday, 15 July 2014

A.D. Degtyarev
City clinical hospital #20, Moscow

Summary. Background. Ultrasound specialists form a professional group that is exposed to such harmful factors as electromagnetic and high-frequency ultrasound emission, noise, insufficient lighting, and continuous static tension. Each of these factors individually, and especially in combination, results in the activation of compensatory neuroendocrine and vascular reactions, affecting physiological functions of the various body systems.

In addition, work of the Russian ultrasound specialists is characterized by extra work than envisaged by the standard workload and neurotic and emotional tension that has a negative effect on their health.

Unfortunately, effect of those factors on neuroendocrine regulation of female reproductive system of ultrasound specialists has not been sufficiently studied yet.

The aim of the study is to analyze professional characteristics of work of ultrasound specialists at inpatient facilities and their effect on health.


  1. To study nature and professional characteristics of work of doctors using both surveys and direct observation at hospitals.
  2. To develop suggestions on improving doctors’ working conditions.

Results. The conducted survey identified the following subjective sensations: significant emotional tension, continuous strain of attention, and continuous static tension that are characteristic of this profession.

The study also showed that frequency of the abovementioned subjective sensations doesn’t depend upon doctors’ gender and years of experience; it naturally increases with the increase of weekly workload.

Practical value. Results of the work analysis of ultrasound specialists served basis for developing recommendations aimed at improving working conditions and also for developing suggestions on preventive and follow-up activities for ultrasound specialists.

Keywords: ultrasound specialist; professional activity; measures for health protection.



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