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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2014 (37) arrow Results of the sociological research in organization of referrals for medical and social assessment and delivery of state service on implementing medical and social assessment (based on materials of the all-russia seminar)
Results of the sociological research in organization of referrals for medical and social assessment and delivery of state service on implementing medical and social assessment (based on materials of the all-russia seminar) Print
Tuesday, 15 July 2014

M.V. Korobov1, O.N. Vladimirova1, N.K. Guseva2, S.V. German2
1Saint-Petersburg Institute of Advanced Training of Doctors-experts, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Saint-Petersburg
2Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod

Summary. Opinion and suggestions of practicing specialists are of great value for reforming the state system of medical and social assessment and rehabilitation of the disabled since it is those specialists who implement such reforms, experience and evaluate effects of changes and innovations.

The aim of the study is to develop and introduce into practice suggestions on improving referrals for medical and social assessment and provision of the state service on implementing medical and social assessment based on the opinion survey of specialists of medical institutions, institutions of medical and social assessment, rehabilitation facilities and other stakeholders of the health care system.

Methods and data. Sociological research was conducted using specially designed questionnaires during the All-Russia seminar organized by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation according to the State Program “Accessible environment, 2011-2015”.

Results. Evaluating the current procedure of patient referrals for medical and social assessment 84.0% of respondents mentioned diverse problems; evaluating the current organization of medical and social assessment problems were reported by 79.0% of respondents.

According to respondents’ opinion problems related to resources, organization and methodology constitute the main barrier to effective implementation of the medical and social assessment and rehabilitation.

Conclusions. Design of a new efficient process model of medical and social assessment and rehabilitation will contribute to better social protection of people with disabilities.

Scope of application. Information obtained during the sociological research can be considered to further reform the system of medical and social assessment and rehabilitation of the disabled both at the regional and federal levels.

Keywords: organization of medical and social assessment; rehabilitation of the disabled; people with disabilities; sociological research.


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