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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2014 (38) arrow Risk control over chronic noncommunicable diseases based on insurance risk-management
Risk control over chronic noncommunicable diseases based on insurance risk-management Print
Monday, 01 September 2014

M.V. Avdeeva1,2, Yu.V. Lobzin1,2, V.S. Luchkevich 2
1 Research Institute for Children's Infections, St. Petersburg
2 North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg

Abstract. The article deals with the current issues related to application of insurance principles to healthy lifestyle promotion and public protection from chronic noncommunicable diseases.

The aim of the study was to develop regressive mathematical model to predict demands for medical and economic resources of the healthcare system for care delivery, depending on health status and risk factors of noncommunicable diseases.

Methods. Data on 2007 patients and on their health status and structure of the risk factors from the registration forms #025-TsZ/u “Health Center Record” of the City polyclinic #109 was analyzed. The study also used methods of situational and regressive and mathematical modeling.

Results and scope of application. Analysis of the process approach to the organization of preventive work within the federal system of health centers helped to develop a tool to control risk factors of noncommunicable diseases. This tool is based on the formation among the population a self- perceived need for self-control over risk factors, which is extremely important in the context of high morbidity and mortality from noncommunicable diseases. According to the analysis of public health and Program of state guarantees of medical care we developed a predictive regressive mathematical model to determine demand for medical and economic resources to ensure prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of chronic noncommunicable diseases and their complications. The model is enhanced with the «SCORE» scale, which allowed for its adjustment to the risk management of behavioral and medical risk factors of noncommunicable diseases.

Conclusions. The new approach to develop a responsible attitude towards your own health management allows for controlling risk factors of chronic noncommunicable diseases.

Keywords: disease risk factors; risk management; protection of public health; compulsory health insurance; prevention of noncommunicable diseases.


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